Sunday, March 11, 2007

wha lau...

wha...i had my first experience as a property agent lah...mother cool...but i pretty much suck at it. My parents are not in. The agent is doing another deal over at yishun. And im home alone. Okie so the agent instructed me to just tell them the price of the deal and nothing else. The couple walked in...i smiled. They viewed the living room, i smiled. I brought them to the bedrooms, i smiled. To the kitchen, i smiled. To my bedroom, i smiled.

Noticed how many times i smiled? Most importantly, I smiled like an idiot/small boi. Close friends of mine will know how i look when i do tt...righT? riGht? Right???

Then the couple asked, "do u get direct sunlight in the bedrooms?"
I said, "i dont think so?!?!??!?!???!?!?
I think im the dumbest guitarist ever...firstly there aint direct sunlight coz i know. Secondly, its my house, how the hell will i not be sure...

The smile is something like.......▼

See la...Arep was laughing at my stupid face and Adam was like "HUH?!>!!?!>!?>!??"

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