Tuesday, December 05, 2006

typical gals

when pple knows that u can sing, and play guitar(even though i'm jus average at it), pple will start flocking to you. Esp gals. like just today, 4 ladies that dun usually talk to me came forward and like damn friendly lah. touchy touchy with me. wth.

it's difficult to not commit a sin everyday. even small ones are considered.

i finally entered a catholic church. damn nice. his wedding is gonna be a great one.

best wishes to Eric and Jolyn.

Baybeats...im neutral with it.
Indus i wont jeopardise. LOL the most if anything goes wrong, can always sub a lead guitarist like victor or bani or azlan.

We both are lost. Let time do its thing. May it end with a "singing solo" if not, screamo vox we have no choice.

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